
A log of new features

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5 January 2019

Version 2.5.0 - partial includes

Now you can include not only the whole file, but only a part of file. This is achieved by the concept of “named block”.

Let’s have a file “library.a80”:

.block serout
; a routine for serial output

.block serin
;a routine for serial input

In your file, e.g. “main.a80”, you can include the whole file with .include library.a80. Now you can include only the needed parts using a special naming convention file:block.

.include library.a80:serout
call putchar:

It includes only the block “serout” (with a global label putchar, in our case). Other blocks will be omitted.

Include local block

You can reference the actual included file by the placeholder this. Let’s add a “serial init” to our library:

.block serinit
;serial port init

Now you can add the “dependency” with a little bit modification of our library:

.block serout
; a routine for serial output
.include this:serinit

.block serin
;a routine for serial input
.include this:serinit

.block serinit
;serial port init

Don’t worry, the init code will be included only once! If you need include the block twice or more, you can overrule the check with the dual colon: .include file::block.